JAKARTA - The armed criminal group (KKB) in Papua continues to spread acts of terror. They seem to target various educational facilities as their targets.

Not long ago, this Papuan terrorist group burned down a building in Kimak Village, Ilaga District, Puncak Regency, on Friday, May 7. In fact, they also opened fire on the police station.

However, after an investigation and by the crime scene, the building was opened to a resident's house. Rather, it is a community learning activity center (PKBM).

"From the crime scene results, it is known that the house burned by the terrorist group was PKBM," said the Nemangkawi Public Relations Task Force Grand Commissioner Iqbal Alqudusy, Saturday, May 8.

Currently, continued Iqbal, the Nemangkawi Task Force team is still gathering information and instructions. This is because there is no clear explanation regarding which group money is the mastermind behind the arson.

"The crime scene processing is to seek and collect information, clues, evidence, the identity of the suspect, and witnesses or victims for the sake of further investigation," said Iqbal.

A few days earlier, on May 2 and 3, the KKB also burned down a number of public facilities. Of course, the targets are school buildings, teacher housing, public health center buildings, and road access in a number of areas of Puncak Regency, Papua Province.

"The facilities that were burned and damaged by the KKB were five classrooms at Mayuberi Elementary School, the teacher's official residence, the old building of the Mayuberi Community Health Center," said Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police, Police Grand Commissioner Ahmad Mustofa Kamal.

In addition, the armed group which is now categorized as a terrorist group also damaged the Kimak Bridge, Tagaloa Street, and Wuloni Street (wind gate) facilities.

The incident was only discovered after a resident named Joni Elatotagam came to report to the Head of the North Ilaga District (Camat) who was in Kimak, on Monday, May 3.

In fact, when carrying out the action, the KKB group divided their tasks, some were in charge of burning down the old building of the public health center and SD Mayuberi (elementary school) building, while another group was tasked with destroying three points on Mayuberi Street, Kimak Street, and Wuloni Street.

There were also other armed groups guarding the side of the road to secure sympathizers who were working to destroy these public facilities.

"According to Mr. Joni Elatotagam's report, there are a lot of KKB sympathizers who helped burn school buildings and public health centers and destroy road facilities," said Kamal.

In addition, if you look back, in the past 3 weeks, the KKB has been increasingly carrying out violent acts in Puncak Regency, Papua. KKB members shot two teachers, namely Oktavianus Rayo (42) and Yonathan Rande (30).

Octavian was shot on Thursday 8 April while Jonathan was on Friday 9 April. In addition, the KKB also burned down the teacher's house and three schools.

On Sunday, April 11, KKB set fire to a helicopter that was under repair at Aminggaru Airport, Ilaga.

Next, on Wednesday, April 14, KKB shot dead a motorcycle taxi driver in Eromaga Village. A day later, Thursday, April 15, the terrorist group shot a student.

The KKB continued to carry out acts of terror, until Sunday, April 25, the head of the Papua Regional State Intelligence Agency, Brigadier General TNI I Gusti Putu Danny Nugraha, was killed in a gun battle at Beoga.

The pursuit of the KKB was still ongoing, although on Tuesday, April 27, a member of Mobile Brigade Bhrada Komang died, and two others suffered gunshot wounds.

Until now, the National Army-Police are still hunting these Papuan terrorist groups. This is because these terrorists are divided into several groups every time they spread acts of terror.

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