JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the PKS faction of the DPR RI, Sukamta, strongly criticized the Israeli attack on Palestinians at the Al-Aqsa Mosque on Friday night, May 7, 2021.

Sukamta said Israeli police reportedly attacked Palestinians on Friday night, at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Old City of East Jerusalem, Al-Aqsa complex, leaving at least 53 civilians injured.

According to him, the actions of the Israeli apparatus were real war crimes and crimes against humanity.

"I saw a video that was circulating, Israeli authorities threw stun grenades at a crowd of children and women," Sukamta said in an official statement reported by Antara, Sunday, May 9.

This, he continued, was a blatant violation of human rights, a heinous form of terror.

"I hope that the United Nations and the international community act immediately to stop violence against Palestinian civilians," he said.

According to Sukamta, Israeli forces had deliberately carried out acts of provocation since the beginning of Ramadan by breaking through and cutting off the mosque loudspeakers. Then followed by the neglect of the authorities in the series of attacks by the ultra-right groups on Palestinians.

"If you look at the series of violence that has occurred, it can be seen that there is a systematic Israeli effort to expel Palestinians from the East Jerusalem area. The eviction of Palestinian homes continues, as well as attacks on civilians in places of worship," he said.

The deputy chairman of the PKS Faction hopes that the Indonesian Government, where the Republic of Indonesia is a member of the UN Human Rights Commission, can continue to be proactive to encourage the international community to make efforts to stop Israeli violence and encourage protection of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

"The Al-Aqsa Mosque compound has a clear and protected legal status. I hope the United Nations and the international community will immediately make efforts to prevent violations by the Israeli side from continuing," he said.

Al-Aqsa Mosque is one of the holy sites of Muslims, the act of provocation against it, he said, could spark the anger of Muslims worldwide.

Furthermore, the Head of the Overseas Development and Development Division (BPPLN) of the PKS DPP asked the Indonesian Government to continue to support the efforts for Palestinian independence and provide the humanitarian assistance needed by the Palestinian people.

"As long as they are still under colonial rule, the Palestinian people will always live in misery. Independence will be a permanent solution for the Palestinian people. The Indonesian government needs to continue to push for the realization of this agenda in international forums," he said.

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