JAKARTA - Chairperson of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force Doni Monardo warned the South Sumatra Provincial Government and its citizens because of the increase in the death rate of COVID-19 cases.

Based on the data collected, death cases reached 4.93 percent of the total positive confirmed cases in South Sumatra. This figure is higher or above the national average of 2.7 percent.

Doni said the percentage of the number of cases of death has also made South Sumatra the third nationally.

"Sorry. Once again, the number of COVID-19 cases in South Sumatra is ranked third nationally”, said Doni on Wednesday, May 4.

Meanwhile, the number of active cases of COVID-19 in South Sumatra reached 1.417 or 6.76 percent. This number is also higher or above the national average, namely 5.9 percent.

When the death rate and active cases are high, he continued, the percentage of recovered cases in South Sumatra is automatically at 88.3 percent. This figure is below the national average, which is 91.4 percent.

Therefore, Doni asked the South Sumatra Provincial Government to evaluate the handling of COVID-19 in all its administrative areas. This is to reduce mortality and improve recovery.

"If there is an increase, then evaluate what the cause is and take steps for handling it. Don't take it lightly", he said.

Doni also asked the Governor of South Sumatra, Herman Deru, to strengthen compliance with public health protocols by involving all staff.

"I hope there is a strategy from all agencies, from all regions down to sub-district and village levels, how to increase public compliance so that they are aware and not because they are forced", he concluded.

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