JAKARTA - The Panel of Judges at the Mataram District Court, West Nusa Tenggara, sentenced the defendant who is still a student because he was found guilty of murdering his lover, Linda Novita Sari.

"This declares that the defendant Rio Prasetya Nanda Alias Rio is found guilty of a criminal act by deliberately seizing the life of another person in accordance with the second alternative indictment, Article 338 of the Criminal Code, "said Chief Judge Hiras Sitanggang at the trial at the Mataram District Court, Monday.

Evidence of the criminal article in the sentence conveyed by the panel of judges is in accordance with the previous prosecutor's demands, Article 338 of the Criminal Code in the second alternative indictment.

The only difference is in the criminal period. Because the defendant was previously charged with imprisonment for 15 years in accordance with the maximum threat in Article 338 of the Criminal Code on Murder.

One of the judges' considerations to impose a sentence of 14 years in prison, namely seeing the defendant's actions as a form of self-protection when he was threatened with attack from the victim who pointed an arrow at the direction.

In addition, the defendant had admitted his guilt in killing by strangling the victim so that the base of her tongue was broken and then camouflaging the victim as if she had died by hanging himself.

After hearing the sentence read out, the panel of judges asked for an opportunity to make a statement within seven days after the decision was read out.

Likewise with the response given by the public prosecutor (JPU) from the Mataram Kejari represented by Moch. Taufik Ismail.

"Because the defendant is still 'thinking', so we should be like that too. If the defendant appeals, of course, we must be ready," said Taufik.

The tragedy of Linda Novita Sari's murder took place in the house occupied by the defendant in the Royal Mataram Housing.

The first time the victim was found hanging in the ventilation of the living room of the defendant's house by a witness who was a colleague of the victim and also the defendant.

After an in-depth investigation by the police, evidence was revealed that the victim died not as a result of hanging herself but was killed.

The action of her murder was revealed from the clarification of the police party to the defendant who claimed to have played the sole role in the case.

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