SOLO - Mayor of Solo Gibran Rakabuming Raka received assistance of 206 pots and plants from the Solo Area Rotary Club and Bank Indonesia.

The handover of pots and plants was carried out symbolically at the Pemandengan Monument followed by planting red shoots, Friday, April 30.

To the media crew after planting, Gibran expressed his anger that many points in Solo were turned into parking lots. This is also why the Green Open Space (RTH) in Solo is still far from expectations.

"We want to green everything in Solo, open space in Solo is still not green enough,"

"We (Solo, red) are still very lacking, RTH is only calculated as 8.9 percent. Very far! You have replaced paving, you know, plants are replaced with paving, plants are replaced by paving, and you cut them arbitrarily," said Gibran.

The eldest son of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said that all water barriers in Solo would be replaced with plants, including the front of Loji Gandrung. This is a step to add green open space in Solo.

"Yes, slowly, we will prepare the plants too first. We prepare pictures (design, red). This is the public space we also use for performance art to dance, to paint singing. The concept is open stage," said Gibran.

Reporting from, Rotary has a program that is in line with the hopes and dreams of Solo to become a beautiful and green city.

In accordance with the direction of Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka to increase greening in the city of Solo, the Solo Area Rotary Clubs collaborated with Bank Indonesia, the Solo Representative Office, to make this dream a reality.

A total of 206 pots will be placed along Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, starting from the Gladag Roundabout to the Pemandengan Monument. This premium area in Solo City will be a pilot project.

The pots and plants will be handed over gradually to replace the water barrier currently used as a road barrier. Previously, the Solo Area Rotary Clubs had also provided assistance in the form of pots and plants that had been placed on Jalan Adi Sucipto along the front of the Manahan stadium and on Jalan Doktor Moewardi along the front of the West City Field.

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