PT Jasamarga Transjawa Tol reminded the travelers who will cross the Jakarta-Cikampek flyover toll road for the safety and comfort of road users.
VP Corporate Secretary and Legal of PT Jasamarga Transjawa Toll Ria Marlinda Paalo appealed to all travelers to anticipate travel by ensuring that the vehicle is in prime condition, the electronic money balance is sufficient and charges and fuels before starting the journey.
"Especially for travelers who cross the MBZ Flyover Toll Road. Because there is no rest area so special readiness is needed," he said in Bekasi, Monday, March 24.
Ria explained that the MBZ Flyover toll road has a length of 38 kilometers starting from Jakarta through the Bekasi City area, Bekasi Regency to down in the West Karawang area.
Homecomers can take advantage of the Km57 break area of the Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road in the Karawang Regency area after getting off the MBZ Flyover Toll Road.
"They should have known, there is no rest area on the flyover toll road. Later we can take advantage of the rest area at Km57 Karawang," he said.
He also asked people who want to go home for Lebaran to download the Travoy 4.4 application for iOS and Android users.
Through this application, travelers can find out the latest information about Jasa Marga Group toll road traffic including congestion points and points of the existing rest area.
"If there are obstacles and problems, you can access them through One Call Center 24 hours at 14080," he said. (KR-PRA).
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