JAKARTA - The Environment Agency (DLH) recorded dozens of trees falling due to extreme weather in the form of heavy rain and strong winds that occurred in the past week in Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province.
"The latest data shows that around 14 trees fell due to extreme weather scattered at several points," said Head of DLH Mataram City Nizar Denny Cahyadi in Mataram, Monday, March 24, confiscated by Antara.
A total of 14 fallen trees include Ampenan Beach, Bertais, Pagesangan, Jalan Pemuda, Transmigration Transito Street, and Pagesangan. Meanwhile, the types of fallen trees include flamboyan, bawangna, waru, butterfly trees, trambesi, workshop trees, putus, and mango trees.
The fallen tree, he said, had varying sizes, some were small and large with the condition of the average tree still good, so it was concluded that the fallen tree occurred purely due to extreme weather factors.
In addition to the very strong winds, he continued, there was also heavy rain for a long time, triggering soft or pounded soil and lifting tree roots.
"Some even damaged the asphalt of the road," he said.
In order to avoid the impact of fallen trees, he continued, as many as 14 fallen trees were immediately handled and evacuated together with a team from the Mataram City Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) so as not to interfere with traffic flow and other community activities.
Meanwhile, to anticipate fallen trees, the Mataram City DLH routinely carries out tree mining activities, especially those on protocol roads.
The tree mining and pruning activities were carried out on all main roads in six sub-districts throughout Mataram City which became public areas, especially on protocol roads because on average they had large and dense trees with heights above 20 meters.
"In addition, we also target protective trees in suburban areas, such as on South Ring Roads and Selagalas," he said.
To optimize the banking activities, the Mataram City DLH deployed three teams every day. One team consists of 12, 6, and 5 people, depending on the size of the tree that was secured. One team of members is complete, some are cut, pick up, driver and others.
Meanwhile, to avoid traffic jams when pruning protective trees, his party provides traffic signs so that road users who pass by are careful.
"After the editing and pruning process, our officers immediately cleaned the branches or tree trunks that fell onto the road onto the truck to be collected and disposed of," he said.
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