JAKARTA - Perum Bulog synergizes with the TNI-Polri, including local governments to provide welfare to rice farmers as expected by President Prabowo Subianto. Bulog targets the absorption of grain to be in accordance with the Government Purchase Price (HPP) of Rp. 6,500 per kilogram, in order to provide welfare to farmers.

"Bulog is not alone, together with agricultural instructors, then friends from Babinsa, Babinkamtibmas, both provide assistance to get to Bulog," said Deputy President Director of Perum Bulog Marga Taufiq in Klaten Regency, Central Java, Saturday, March 22.

"Bulog is downstream in accordance with orders from the President, as stated in Astacita that this farmer must indeed smile when he harvests. So we come here (Claten), ensuring that Bulog buys at a price of Rp. 6,500 per kg of harvested dry unhulled rice," he said, quoted by Antara.

Marga menyebutkan bahwa pihaknya juga rutin melakukan sosialisasi kepada petani bahwa pembelian gabah dilakukan dengan harga yang ditentukan pemerintah yakni Rp6,500 per kg. Bulog juga turun langsung ke lapangan dalam melakukan pembelian gabah petani.

Marga emphasizes the importance of direct involvement with farmers to overcome the various obstacles they face for the welfare of farmers and to benefit from the current policy of unhulled HPP.

Bulog strives to be present in the midst of farmers to ensure the absorption of grain runs smoothly and farmers can enjoy the results they should receive, so that absorption is optimal and provides benefits to farmers.

"Of course we socialized it and we have responded all of them and they understand that when we pick up the farmer's grain, it is sometimes the same," he said.

Di tempat yang sama, Wakil Kemimpin Wilayah Bulog Jawa Tengah Fadillah Rachmawati mengatakan bahwa dalam memaksimalkan penyerapan pihaknya menggandeng pemerintah daerah hingga Babinsa yang bertugas di masing-masing wilayah.

According to him, Babinsa plays an important role because it accompanies farmers from before planting until the harvest period.

"We suggest (farms selling unhulled rice) to Bulog because the price is guaranteed as much as Rp. 6,500 per kg, this is no longer being brought, this is to increase the exchange rate of farmers or NTP. Like that, so there is no coercion but this is in the form of an appeal because we guarantee prices," said Fadillah.

Previously, Perum Bulog Corporate Secretary Arwakhudin Widiarso emphasized that his party remains committed to supporting food self-sufficiency through purchasing grain and rice from domestic farmers. Nationally, Perum Bulog has absorbed 300,000 tons of rice equivalent grain.

"In the last 5 years, the absorption of as much as 300,000 tons of rice equivalent is the highest number, the average daily absorption is already tens of thousands of tons, hopefully we can continue to maintain this momentum ahead of the harvest season from the end of March to April," said Arwakhudin in a statement in Jakarta, Friday, March 14.

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