JAKARTA - Transportation Minister Dudy Purwagandhi checked the Indah Kiat Port, Merak, Banten on Saturday, March 22, early in the morning. This check is to see the readiness of the Indah Kiat Port as a buffer zone in the Merak Port area to unravel the accumulation of vehicles during the Eid season.
"The plan is that later if the parking area at the Merak Port pier is almost full, private 4-wheeled vehicles will be immediately directed to park at Indah Kiat Port as a buffer area, so that there is no buildup and contagious queues," said Minister of Transportation Dudy in his statement, Saturday, March 22.
The Minister of Transportation revealed that Indah Kiat Port is one of the areas that is prepared to be a buffer zone for homecoming flows from Java to Sumatra through the Merak ferry port. This port will be used to anticipate congestion at Merak Port.
"At the peak of the homecoming flow, March 27-29, 2025, small vehicles located at Merak Port are estimated at more than 30,000 vehicles. We will anticipate the potential for congestion by preparing a buffer parking area," said the Minister of Transportation.
Merak Port itself has 7 operating piers. The port parking capacity is 6,026 small vehicles and the vehicle capacity on board reaches 25,067 small vehicles per day in very dense conditions. Thus, the total capacity at Merak Port reaches 31,093 small vehicles per day.
Meanwhile, Indah Kiat Port has a total capacity area of 93,426 m2. This storage area is divided into 3 points. If this total parking capacity is converted into small vehicles, then this port can accommodate around 2,072 small vehicles (class I).
"There has been access to integration from Merak Port to Indah Kiat Port since last year. With this access, it is hoped that the process of transferring vehicle parking will run well," said Minister of Transportation Dudy.
In addition to the Indah Kiat Port, other areas that are used as buffers are Rest Area KM 13, KM 43, KM 68 on the toll road to Merak. Then, on arterial roads there are areas of Ciwandan, BBJ Bojonegara and Indah Kiat which are buffer zones.
Also attending this activity were Director General of Sea Transportation Antoni Arif Priadi, Acting Director General of Land Transportation Ahmad Yani, Deputy President Director of PT ASDP Yossianis Marciano, and Kapolsek KSKP Merak Junior Ignasius Andrean.
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