JAKARTA - Flood management in West Jakarta has again received positive attention from the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Pramono Anung. In an upload on the @Pramonoanungw Instagram account, Pramono gave his appreciation to the South Kembangan Village Head, RM Pradana Putra, who was considered to be moving quickly in dealing with flood-affected residents.
Danang, as RM Pradana Putra Lurah Kembangan Selatan is familiarly called, Pramono is considered deft and alert in responding to the emergency situation caused by the flood. Pramono said that Danang's actions in carrying a small child in the middle of the flood, as well as evacuating other residents, showed a real commitment to protecting his citizens.
Pramono Anung admitted that he was amazed by the actions of the South Kembangan Village Head who was also documented through his Instagram account @danangrm. According to him, the action received a positive response from the community and became a good example that should be maintained and imitated by the lurah and other sub-district heads in Jakarta.
On this occasion, Pramono also emphasized that flood management in West Jakarta needs to be continuously improved through anticipatory and quick response steps from the relevant authorities.
Collaboration between City Governments, Subdistricts, and Sub-districts is the main key in facing flood challenges that regularly hit a number of areas in West Jakarta.
"God willing, we will continue to provide examples and evaluate the Mayors, Camats, and Lurah to continue to serve the community with our hearts, especially in the face of flood disasters that often occur in this area," said Pramono.
This appreciation from the Governor is expected to motivate all officers in West Jakarta to be better prepared and responsive in dealing with emergency conditions such as floods, as well as trying to provide the best service to the community.
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