TANJUNG CELLOR Deputy Governor (Deputy Governor) of North Kalimantan (Kaltara), Ingkong Ala opened the activities of the Inclusive Aspiration Penjaringan Forum of the Minister of the Sun Kaltara or called Absorbing Aspirations for Equivalence and Inclusion.

This activity is a manifestation of the commitment of the Provincial Government (Pemprov) of Kaltara for inclusive and fair development for the people of Bumi Benanta.

"Especially for community groups such as children, women, disabilities, vulnerableness and the elderly to traditional and other marginal groups," said Deputy Governor Ingkong Ala, Friday, March 21.

Deputy Governor Ingkong revealed that this forum is a joint collaboration between the Kaltara Provincial Government and the SKALA Program, and there are four achievements that are the top priorities to be carried out.

"First, there is a forum for participation in regional development planning, the second is the formation of awareness and understanding among stakeholders, including concrete and relevant input on issues faced by these groups," said the deputy governor.

"This can be accommodated in the preparation of the 2025-2045 RPJPD, 2025-2029 RPJMD, and 2026 RKPD Kaltara Province, then fourth is the formation of recommendations and technical guidelines regarding regional government projections that focus on fulfilling the basic services of the group," he continued.

Ingkong Ala also gave special directions to the ranks of the Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD) of the North Kalimantan Provincial Government, so that through the Mentari Kaltara forum it can realize inclusive and sustainable development.

"I ask all OPDs to improve coordination and collaboration with civil society networks, integrate aspirations in planning, provide continuous participation space, and increase capacity and awareness on issues of inclusion," he said.

Ingkong Ala said development was not only measured by economic growth alone, but was also able to answer the needs and aspirations of all levels of society.

"I invite all parties to continue to work together to realize development that has an impact and can be felt directly by the people of Kaltara in accordance with the vision and mission of the Governor and Deputy Governor of Kaltara," he said.

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