Chaotic, Mass Demonstration Against The TNI Bill In The Indonesian House Of Representatives Destroys Security Post Glass And Takes A Hat That Says PM And Police At The Gate Of Pancasila
JAKARTA - Hundreds of masses from two universities in Jakarta began burning used tires in front of the Pancasila Gate of the Indonesian Parliament Building, Central Jakarta, Thursday, March 20, afternoon.
The action heated up after the masses managed to break through the guardrail of the security post glass. Then followed by breaking the glass using stones and wood.
Not only that, the mass demonstration against the TNI Bill is also trying to dismantle other glass protective iron using ropes.
The crowd continued to break the glass of the security post at the entrance to the Pancasila Gate until 13.48 WIB. The crowd also took a hat with the words "PM" and a police officer hat inside the security post.
"Our friends are in the same command. Let's pull it out again until it collapses," said the action orator in front of the mass demonstration.
A group of students who held a demonstration against the TNI Bill was divided into two points of action, namely at the right and left gates. The two masses continued to try to knock down and open the gate of the Pancasila Gate with makeshift tools.
Meanwhile, from VOI's observation, the police continue to create a layer of security behind the Pancasila Gate gate, the area within the DPR RI Building. Police officers equipped with shields made security barricades.
A few minutes also had tensions between the masses that continued to provoke the authorities. However, the tension did not last long, the demonstrators continued to shout their various frustrations in front of the authorities.
Previously, 5,021 joint personnel were deployed to secure student demonstrations and community alliances related to the revision of the TNI Law in front of the DPR RI Building, Central Jakarta on Thursday, March 20.
"In order to secure the expressing of opinions from students and several alliances, we involved 5,021 joint personnel," said Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Susatyo Purnomo Condro when confirmed, Thursday, March 20.
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