PT Transport Jakarta (Transjakarta) presents tourism using open roof-level buses with special routes passing through historical sites in Jakarta such as the HI Roundabout, the National Museum, and the Sarinah shopping center.
"Transjakarta will operate an open roof bus at the Jakarta Heritage service. Currently, the bus unit is in the production process. Hopefully, it can be operated immediately ahead of the school holiday in June," said Director of Business and Utilization of Transjakarta Assets, Fadly Hasan in a statement reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, March 19.
This tour is the "Open Top Tour of Jakarta route Jakarta Heritage" program to support Jakarta as a global city by increasing the tourist attraction of the city of Jakarta and providing a different experience for tourists.
As for this program, Transjakarta cooperates with PT Sarinah (Persero), as well as the second collaborator for the Jakarta Heritage route.
Previously, for the first route, Transjakarta collaborated with Brightspot on the Jakarta Skyline route.
Meanwhile, the Commercial Director of PT Sarinah, Selfie Dewiyanti, hopes that cooperation with Transjakarta can be an attraction and provide easy transportation to get to Sarinah.
This partnership opens up great opportunities for tourists to explore Jakarta in a more interesting and memorable way. We want to provide a comprehensive tourism experience, linking history travel with convenience shopping and relaxing in Sarinah," he said.
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