JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) said Deddy Cahyadi Sundjojo alias Deddy Corbuzier had not submitted a report on the assets of state administrators (LHKPN).

He should have carried out this obligation after being inaugurated as a special staff of the Minister of Defense (Menhan) on February 11, 2025.

"From the KPK database, the person concerned has not submitted the LHKPN," said KPK Spokesperson Team Budi Prasetyo in a written statement, Tuesday, March 18.

Budi said Deddy had three months from his inauguration. This refers to the Minister of Defense Regulation (Permenhan) Number 28 of 2019, the deadline for reporting LHKPN.

"Referring to Permenhan Number 28 of 2019, the LHKPN reporting deadline is 3 months since the inauguration, or May 12, 2025," he said.

As previously reported, Defense Minister Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin inaugurated Deddy Corbuzier as a special staff at the Ministry of Defense, Tuesday, February 12. This inauguration is known based on a photo upload on Instagram Sjafrie.

"Tuesday, February 11, 2025, I inaugurated the special staff of the Minister of Defense and the awarding of the Satya Lencana Dharma Defense at the Jakarta Ministry of Defense Office," Sjafri wrote in the upload.

Apart from Deddy Corbuzier, there were five other names who were also appointed as special staff, namely Lenis Kogoya, Kris Soepandji, Major General (Ret.) Sudrajat, Indra Irawan and Sylvia Efi Widyantari Sumarlin.

"The appointment of the Sus Minister of Defense emphasized the importance of collaborating on a strategic role in maintaining sovereignty, while the awards given are a symbol of honor for those who have contributed non-stop," said Sjafrie.

"With this new mandate, it is hoped that innovations and policies will strengthen national defense for the stronger and sovereign future of Indonesia," he concluded.

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