JAKARTA - Public policy observer from Trisakti University, Trubus Rahadiansyah assessed that DKI Jakarta Governor Pramono Anung can still run a free breakfast program in Jakarta even though the central government is not allowed because there is already free nutritious food (MBG).
According to Trubus, free breakfast can be run because the program is Pramono and Rano Karno's campaign promise in the 2014 Pilkada.
"Whatever the reason, Pak Pram should keep going. Because it's actually campaign promises. Well, if for example he obeys like that, he automatically lowers his public trust," Trubus told reporters, Monday, March 17.
Moreover, in terms of politics, Pramono is not in the ranks of President Prabowo Subianto's coalition, namely KIM Plus, because he is a PDI-P cadre (PDIP). Pramono also had to maintain the trust of the people who chose him.
"So in this case, in order to provide consistency, public trust is maintained, it should still be implemented. In my opinion, it should continue to run, not caring about matters of central pressure or anything," said Trubus.
On the one hand, the cost of implementing free breakfast is also not dependent on the central government. Jakarta can also run free breakfast without using the APBD, but in collaboration with BUMD and the private sector.
"Pak Pram should still run with his policy saying that the budget is not from the APBD. This means that what must be done is cooperation with other business funds, right? So don't do the APBD, that's what must be done," he explained.
The free breakfast program initiated by DKI Jakarta Governor Pramono Anung for school students in Jakarta was canceled. This program is actually Pramono's campaign promise during the 2024 Pilkada.
The cancellation of the free breakfast program was revealed from the results of the meeting between Pramono and the Head of the Dadan Hindayana National Nutrition Agency at DKI Jakarta City Hall.
The central government does not allow Jakarta to run free breakfast, when the free nutritious dining program (MBG) has been running.
"What we will do in Jakarta, the first is breakfast that we have initiated, the program will be changed later," said Pramono at DKI Jakarta City Hall, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, March 12.
Thus, the budget previously prepared for free breakfast will be diverted to several programs. One of them is the repair or renovation of school canteens.
In addition, part of the budget will also be used to increase the quota for Jakarta Smart Card (KJP) Plus recipients and the Jakarta Superior Student Card (KJMU).
"We emphasize that the free nutritious food program is fully organized by the central government, the Jakarta government supports it so that it runs well, and we will transfer some of the budgets to more KJP needed for Jakarta residents," Pramono explained.
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