JAKARTA - A technology and automotive manufacturer from China, Xiaomi, plans to expand the construction of its second electric vehicle factory in Beijing. This is in line with the selling of Xiaomi electric cars in China. Imagine, as a new player Xiaomi has delivered more than 135,000 vehicles by 2024, and the delivery target by 2025 is 300,000 units.

Quoting from the CNevpost page, Thursday, March 20, the news is according to a report from Bloomberg based on sources familiar with the matter (the expansion of the Xiaomi plant in Beijing).

Actually Xiaomi's plan to build a second factory in Beijing was revealed last year, with the plant standing on an area of 53 hectares more precisely located in Beijing's Yizhuang District, with extraordinary investment.

"The latest factory expansion places factories on adjacent land with an area of 52 hectares," said an unnamed source.

Unfortunately, the report is not possible, especially about the expansion of the factory. However, if it is true, the factory will own more than 100 hectares of land.

Earlier this month Beijing's land authorities unveiled plans for a plot of about 52 hectares of land adjacent to the Xiaomi EV plant, and there was speculation at the time that the site was expected to be used for the third phase of Xiaomi's EV plant.

The news is also closely related to a statement from Xiaomi CEO Lei Jun, who said the company raised its vehicle delivery target to 350,000 units for the full year of 2025, saying the company had made some progress in increasing capacity at the plant.

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