JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) will investigate the involvement of the Regent and Deputy Regent of Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU), South Sumatra. This step was taken after they named six suspects in the project bribery case at the PUPR Service.
The determination of the suspect began with a hand arrest operation (OTT) on Saturday, March 15. Of the eight people who were arrested, six of them officially became orange and were detained at the KPK detention center.
"We are currently conducting a more in-depth investigation of the handling of the cases currently on the 6 suspects. We will conduct a deeper investigation of the indicated parties involved," Setyo said as quoted from the Indonesian KPK YouTube, Monday, March 17.
Setyo said the disbursement of the project down payment at the PUPR Service would certainly involve other parties. Thus, an in-depth investigation will be carried out.
"This includes the possibility of being the official we will previously investigate," said the former Director of Investigation at the KPK.
Previously reported, the KPK named Nopriansyah as the Head of the PUPR Office of Ogan Komering Ulu Regency (OKU) as a suspect in a bribery case related to a project at the PUPR Service. He became one of eight people who were caught in a hand arrest operation (OTT) on Saturday, March 15.
Apart from Nopriansyah, three other suspects were named, namely a member of the South Sumatra OKU DPRD, namely a member of Commission III of the OKU DPRD Ferlan Juliansyah (FJ), Chairman of Commission III of the OKU DPRD M Fahrudin (MFR) and Chairman of Commission II of the OKU DPRD Umi Hartati (UH).
Then there are also suspects from the private sector, namely MFZ (M Fauzi alias Pablo) and ASS (Ahmad Sugeng Santoso).
The KPK said this case began in January 2025 or during the discussion of the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget Draft (RAPBD) of OKU Regency for Fiscal Year 2025. There was an evil consensus so that the 2025 Fiscal Year RAPBD could be implemented immediately.
One of the parties was said to have asked for the basic cost of thought or thought. In order not to be suspicious, this request was changed to a physical project at the Public Works and Spatial Planning Office amounting to Rp40 billion.
The details, for the chairman and vice chairman, get a project value of IDR 5 billion each. As for the members, they get IDR 1 billion.
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