JAKARTA - Palestinians gathered in celebration outside Jerusalem's Damascus Gate on Sunday evening April 25, after a barrier installed by Israeli police was removed, allowing them access to open spaces on a Jerusalem square.

Thousands of people filled East Jerusalem square on Sunday evening, waving the Palestinian flag after police allowed them access to the tiered entrance to Jerusalem's Old City, which is an open space, a popular nighttime gathering place during the Muslim holy month.

Amid celebratory scenes that lasted until Monday morning, Ahmad Tibi, a lawmaker from Israel's Arab minority, criticized what he called the erroneous decision to install metal barricades.

"The decision to reopen is correct. This is a good decision in the right direction, but they must stop attacking Palestinians", he said outside Damascus Gate.

Clashes between Palestinians and Israeli soldiers on April 13, when the Holy Month of Ramadan was just starting, caused tension in the holy city. There was a confrontation between the stone-throwing youth and police in gear trying to disperse them.

Anger extends to the occupied West Bank, which has witnessed solidarity protests with East Jerusalem residents. Dozens of rockets were also fired by Palestinian militant groups from Gaza into Israel.

The violence peaked last Thursday when 100 people were injured when Israeli police arrested more than 50 protesters. The tension eased over the weekend. Palestinians lower the barrier after Tarawih prayers. Meanwhile, Israeli police said they ordered the removal of the barrier in light of unprecedented events in recent days.

"It was ordered to remove the barrier after consultation with religious authorities, local leaders, and shop owners", said a spokesman for the Israeli Police. He said the decision was taken to ensure peace and security for all in Jerusalem.

The measures to ease tensions come after international calls for calm amid concerns that clashes could escalate out of control given Jerusalem's status as a major fault line in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The immediate cause of the dispute is Palestinian outrage at the Israeli police decision to prevent crowds from gathering outside the gates, a historic building.

Israel captured and occupied East Jerusalem in the 1967 war, then annexed it unilaterally. The Israeli government considers the entire city to be the eternal and indivisible capital of the state, even though it is not recognized internationally.

Palestinians share the same strong feelings, saying that East Jerusalem should become the capital of a future Palestinian state.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' spokesman, Hussein Hamayel, said the results proved the strength and calm of the Palestinian people against Israel, its military, and its settlers.

In Gaza, Hamas spokesman Hazem Qassem also hailed it as a victory. "The Jerusalem youth forces the occupation to remove checkpoints", Qassem said.

Separately, the Israeli military said on Sunday night that Palestinian militants had fired another rocket at Israel, but the rocket failed and exploded in Gaza.

Israel says, due to continued rocket fire, it will limit the fishing zone in the Gaza Strip to 9 nautical miles from 15 from 6 a.m. and until further notice.

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