JAKARTA - Deputy Minister for Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers (P2MI), Christina Aryani received a delegation from the Taipei Trade and Economic Office or Taipei Economic and Trade Office (TETO) in Jakarta, today.

During the meeting, Deputy Minister Christina explained a number of issues related to the protection and placement of Indonesian migrant workers in Taiwan. Such as opportunities for the placement of Indonesian migrant workers in the hospitality and transportation sectors other than domestic workers (domestic workers) or caregivers (caregivers).

"We will explore more sectors for the placement of migrant workers in Taiwan. Moreover, Taiwan really appreciates Indonesian migrant workers for being cooperative and dedicated," said Christina in an electronic message received in Jakarta, Thursday, 12

Another issue is related to the opportunity for an increase in salaries of NT$1,000 to 2,O00 for informal sector workers, the number of which until March 2025 reached 115 thousand people.

Then the issue of protecting Indonesian migrant workers from crew members (PMI ABK) and aligning work contracts, jobs and salaries for Indonesian migrant workers for the territorial fishing sector in Taiwan.

Then there is the practice of buying and selling jobs for Indonesian migrant workers in the manufacturing and agricultural sectors that only occur in Taiwan.

"These are all problems that will be discussed further in the joint working group between the two governments," said Deputy Minister Christina.

Christina, who is also a Golkar Party politician, also asked for special facilities or shelters for child care from Indonesian migrant workers who work in Taiwan.

He also asked for standardization of visa application services for Indonesian migrant workers who want to work in Taiwan.

The standardization, continued Christina, includes additional and complete documents needed by the Taiwanese government for Indonesian migrant workers.

"Sometimes, there are migrant workers who when interviewed are nervous or panicked, please understand," he said.

Currently, the total number of Indonesian migrant workers in Taiwan has reached 181,342 people, which are dominated by the domestic worker sector and caregivers as many as 115,000 people.

Taiwan also contributed 30 percent of the total placement of Indonesian migrant workers abroad.

Christina added that in the near future there will be a meeting between the Ministry of P2MI and Taiwan's Ministry of Manpower to discuss further cooperation on the protection and placement of migrant workers.

Meanwhile, the head of the TETO delegation, Bruce Hung, said that there was a lot of cooperation that could be followed up from his meeting with the Deputy Minister of P2MI, Christina Aryani.

Especially the proposal regarding the placement of Indonesian migrant workers in the field of hospitality and transportation. Including the construction sector and migrant workers who have the ability in the field of technology.

"But it still needs to be discussed further and can be discussed again at the meeting at the Indonesian and Taiwanese ministerial levels," he added.

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