The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is investigating allegations of rasuah in the procurement of goods and services in the form of placing advertisements for PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat and Banten, Tbk or Bank BJB (BJBR) for the period 2021-2023. State losses are alleged to reach hundreds of billions of rupiah.
"Yes, quite a lot also (the alleged state loss related to the BJB Bank corruption case, ed). Of the nearly a few hundred billion budgeted, there are indications that the potential loss could be said to be about half that," said KPK Chairman Setyo Budiyanto to reporters at the ACLC KPK building, Rasuna Said, South Jakarta, quoted Thursday, March 13.
There are already five suspects named by the KPK in this case. VOI sources said that two were high-ranking Bank BJB officials, namely Yuddy Renaldi (YR) as former president director and Widi Hartono (WH) who served as chairman of the corporate secretary division.
Meanwhile, Yuddy has resigned from his position since March 4 or when the BJB Bank corruption case began to become public attention. Reporting from a number of media, the application will be decided through the 2024 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS TB 2024).
While the other three suspects are Ikin Asikin Dulmanan (IAD), Suhendrik (S), and R. Sophan Jaya Kusuma (RSJK). They are private parties.
In this case, Yuddy along with four other suspects were suspected of having mark-ups or inflated the budget related to the installation of advertisements so that they were charged with Article 2 Paragraph (1) or Article 3.
To strengthen their actions, investigators have conducted searches in a number of places since Monday, March 10. Among them are the house of former West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil and Bank BJB office in Bandung, West Java.
After this search, the anti-corruption commission has the opportunity to ask Ridwan Kamil for information. "Investigators will summon witnesses who are deemed to have the necessary information," said KPK spokesman Tessa Mahardhika to reporters in a written statement, Tuesday, March 11.
The statements of these witnesses, continued Tessa, were needed to strengthen the evidence that had been pocketed by investigators. "In order to fulfill the elements of the case," concluded the spokesman with the investigator's background.
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