JAKARTA - The Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs is pushing for the completion of the Indonesia - Chile Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA), when receiving an honorary visit from the Ambassador of the Republic of Chile Mario Ignacio Artaza at the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jakarta.

"Foreign Minister Sugiono and Ambassador Artaza agreed to strengthen bilateral cooperation in various fields, especially in the economic and trade fields," said the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a statement, as quoted March 12.

The Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that Indonesia and Chile this year celebrate 60 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

In the economic sector, the Indonesian Foreign Minister and Ambassador Chile discussed the importance of resolving Indonesia's Chile CEPA negotiations, especially in the field of investment.

In addition, the two of them also discussed the need to increase synergy between business actors between the two countries.

Not only in the economic field, but both parties are also committed to strengthening cooperation in other fields such as cooperation in twin cities (sister cities), cooperation in naval training, to increasing interaction between the communities of the two countries.

On the same occasion, Foreign Minister Sugiono also encouraged the cooperation between Indonesia and Chile in the field of critical mineral downstreaming. This is in line with Asta Cita Presiden Prabowo's vision of downstreaming in order to increase domestic added value.

Meanwhile, Ambassador Artaza in turn welcomed the offer of cooperation, reiterating that Indonesia is an important partner of Chile in Asia.

Ambassador Artaza on this occasion also expressed his support for Indonesia in the process of accessing OECD and CPTPP, expecting a more strategic collaboration between the two countries in the future.

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