NTB - The Provincial Government (Pemprov) of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) has asked all parties to respect the legal process in investigating cases of alleged corruption in the procurement of COVID-19 masks that dragged a number of state civil servants (ASN) in the local area.
"Regarding this problem, we fully respect the ongoing legal process. The principle of presumption of innocence must be put forward," said Assistant II of the Regional Secretariat (Sekda) of the NTB Provincial Government Fathul Gani in Mataram, Thursday, March 13, as reported by Antara.
Regarding the involvement of ASN within the NTB Provincial Government in the mask corruption case, Fathul Gani emphasized that he did not want to comment too far on the case because everything had been handled and the full authority of law enforcement officials.
"I'm not in the realm of calling person A, person B or person C. The most important thing was earlier, let the legal process run, normatively. Then make sure the principle of presumption of innocence is important," he said.
The former Head of the NTB Provincial Agriculture and Plantation Service added that his party did not want to make assumptions in handling legal cases, especially if there were ASN involved or summoned to be examined in legal matters.
"We don't assume. If someone is called, they will cooperate," he said.
Therefore, to prevent legal cases from occurring local ASN, he reminded all ASN within the NTB Provincial Government to implement programs in accordance with applicable regulations.
"Of course prevention efforts with preventive measures as a form of prevention. Most importantly it is preventive and ensures that all activity programs are carried out in accordance with existing regulations," he said.
Previously, the Mataram City Police revealed the initials of six potential suspects in the alleged corruption case in the procurement of COVID-19 masks at the NTB Provincial Cooperatives and MSMEs Office for the 2020 fiscal year.
"Not yet a suspect, yes, this is still suspected of being the perpetrator or the reported person. I emphasize that there are six suspected perpetrators with the initials WK, K, CT, MH, RA, and DV. That is suspected of being the perpetrator or reported," said Head of Satreskrim Polresta Mataram Adjunct Commissioner of Police Regi Halili in Mataram, Monday (10/3).
Of the six initials mentioned, there were former Deputy Regent of Sumbawa and former Head of the NTB Provincial Cooperatives and MSMEs Office. The two former officials were also recorded as having undergone examination as witnesses in the case.
"Anyway, all state administrators, some at that time served as Kadis, Kabid, PPK were also there," he said.
Untuk penetapan tersangka, Regi mengatakan bahwa pihaknya akan melaksanakan hal tersebut melalui gelar perkara. "Insyaallah dalam waktu dekat ini, sebelum Lebaran atau habis Lebaran," ucapnya.
As material for the need for a case title in determining the suspect, Regi said that investigators had received the results of an official audit from the NTB Representative Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) with a value of Rp1.58 billion.
Based on an official report from the audit team, the state loss of Rp1.58 billion emerged as a nominal price game from the procurement value of Rp12.3 billion.
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