JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government together with local Regional Owned Enterprises have increased the number of buses in the second batch of the 2025 Free Homecoming program.
"We have coordinated with BUMD to increase the number of buses," said Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo in Jakarta, Thursday, March 13.
He explained that the addition of buses was due to the high interest of Jakarta residents to take part in the free homecoming program. The first batch registration quota has even been fulfilled on the first day.
The additional number of buses and participant quotas for the second wave will be announced after the first phase of registration verification process is complete.
"It's time to wait for the results of the first batch of registration verification to finish," said Syafrin.
Currently, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government is still verifying prospective participants who have registered in the first batch.
"The team works day and night for this process," he said.
He added that participants who were not present during verification or had invalid data would be deemed to have resigned. The seats left behind will be diverted to the second wave.
"If someone registers but the data is invalid or not present during verification, then we consider resigning, and the seats will be diverted," said Syafrin.
The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has prepared 521 bus units with a total of 22,403 seats and 20 trucks to transport motorbikes for travelers in the 2025 Free Homecoming program.
A total of 293 buses are provided for homecoming with a quota of 12,599 people, while 228 buses are prepared for backflow to transport 9,804 people.
For the transportation of motorcycles, 10 units of trucks are provided each during both homecoming and backflow, with a total capacity of 300 motorbikes.
The departure of the homecoming bus is scheduled for March 26-27, 2025 from the National Monument, while the motor transport truck will depart from the Pulogadung Terminal on March 26, 2025.
The backflow is scheduled for April 5-6, 2025, with truck departures from six terminals for homecoming on April 5, 2025.
This free homecoming program includes destinations in South Sumatra, Lampung, West Java, Central Java, Yogyakarta, and East Java.
Several cities and destinations include Palembang, Bandar Lampung, Kuningan, Tasikmalaya, Tegal, Pekalongan, Semarang, Kebumen, Cilacap, Purwokerto, Solo, Wonogiri, Wonosobo, Sragen, Madiun, Kediri, Jombang, Malang, and Sidoarjo.
For the transportation of motorbikes, trucks will go to Mangkang Terminal in Semarang, Kebumen Terminal, Tirtonadi Terminal in Solo, Giwangan Terminal in Yogyakarta, Adipura Giri Terminal in Wonogiri, and Purabaya Terminal in Sidoarjo.
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