JAKARTA - Dr. Moewardi Hospital in Surakarta succeeded in separating conjoined twins from Karanganyar Regency, Central Java, through an operation carried out on Wednesday.

"The surgery team, which is chaired by Dr. Suwardi, involved 18 specialists, two general practitioners, and nurses," said Director of RSUD Dr. Moewardi. Surakarta dr Cahyono Hadi in Solo, as reported by Antara, Wednesday, April 21.

He said that the specialist doctors involved include Anesthesia Specialists, Plastic Surgery, Pediatric Surgery, Cardiovascular Thoracic Surgery (BTKV), Pediatrics and Intensive Pediatric Consultants, and Anesthesia Specialists Konsultan Intensive Care (KIC).

"In addition to the operation team for the separation of conjoined twins, we also involve the Pediatric Psychiatry Doctor and the Medico-Legal Team at Dr. Moewardi Hospital," he said.

The process of preparation, anesthesia, and preparation of the site. Meanwhile, four Plastic Surgeons are in charge of making skin incisions up to the fascia according to the design that has been made and closure of the defect so that the baby is separated.

”Furthermore, two Pediatric Surgeons are responsible for liver and intestinal separation. Two BTKV Specialists performed vascular bypass backup for baby Ba and five Pediatricians and two KIC Anesthesia Specialists in charge of pre and postoperative care, "he said. Two other general practitioners were in charge of documenting the separation procedure.

He said the operation to separate male twins lasted almost four hours, starting at 08.00-11.55 WIB. After the operation, he said, currently the two babies are still undergoing treatment in the intensive room under the supervision of a Pediatrician, an Intensive Pediatric Consultant, and a special nurse.

"Monitoring of the babies with the initials Ba and Br is carried out continuously for 24 hours until their condition is stable and ready to be transferred," she said.

Meanwhile, this 14-month-old baby was born in Karanganyar with twins attached to the chest to the stomach or "emphalopagus" with each of them having intact vital organs. He said the baby began to be examined and monitored by the Dr. Moewardi Hospital's Team of Doctors from birth.

"After carrying out continued examinations and special preparations, the Dr. Moewardi Hospital Team of Doctors finally scheduled the operation to separate conjoined twins today," he said.

He also said that the fee was borne by BPJS Kesehatan (Health Social Security Agency).

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