JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency (Dishub) will take firm action against public transportation caught carrying travelers during the implementation of the homecoming ban on May 6-17, 2021. One of them is to stop transportation operations as a violation sanction.

"Every inter-city service violation during this year's homecoming ban, a stop-of-operation service will be carried out," said DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency Head Syafrin Liputo in Jakarta, Wednesday, April 21.

The sanction, he continued, applies to all public transportation, both travel services and intercity and interprovincial (AKAP) transportation services that are determined to operate in shadow terminals. The DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency will also close the terminal in Jakarta as long as the homecoming ban applies.

"So for public transport and illegal travel we will do it consistently," he said.

However, Syafrin said, the stopping of operations for public transportation that violates its nature is only temporary and will be allowed to operate again after the 2021 homecoming period ends.

In addition, the Transportation Agency will also cooperate with the police to anticipate public transportation carrying travelers in border areas.

Syafrin said that every passing vehicle would be checked by identifying the travel or bus carrying the travelers. Last year there were more than 400 illegal travel cars detained.

"And this year, based on that, it is very easy to identify which ones have committed violations and which ones are really moving because of urgent needs," he explained.

Previously, Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian Parliament Azis Syamsuddin asked the government to issue technical regulations regarding the Circular of the Head of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force Number 13 of 2021 concerning the Elimination of Homecoming for 6-17 May 2021.

"Immediately issue the technical regulations prohibiting the 2021 Eid Al-Fitr homecoming, so that the regional government and security forces can immediately arrange plans for the isolation of travelers," Azis said in his statement, Wednesday, April 21.

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