JAKARTA - The Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA) said that the alleged perpetrator who watered his stepdaughter using hot water in Medan, North Sumatra, is currently undergoing examination.
"The alleged perpetrators have been summoned and together with the UPPA (Women and Children Service Unit) of the North Sumatra Police and the Medan Polrestabes have clarified," said Deputy for Child Special Protection of the Ministry of PPPA Nahar when contacted in Jakarta, Antara, Wednesday, February 12.
Nahar added that the Ministry of PPPA also coordinated with the North Sumatra Province Office of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (DP3A) in handling this case, including the recovery of child victims.
"We have coordinated with the North Sumatra Province DP3A and have assigned the PPA UPTD team (Technical Implementing Unit for the Protection of Women and Children) to reach out to children and deepen children's physical and psychological conditions," he said.
Head of the Legal and Public Relations Bureau of the Ministry of PPPA Margareth Robin Korwa added that his party was concerned about this case.
"We are concerned and do not tolerate the violence and deeply regret the inhumane attitude of the female ASN who is suspected of molesting her stepdaughter," he said.
The PPPA Ministry also asked for this case to be thoroughly investigated because it contradicts Article 76C of Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection.
"The perpetrator has been questioned by the Head of the North Sumatra Province Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Service (P3AKB), but it seems protected. This is not in line with Government Regulation (PP) Number 94 of 2021 regulating the discipline of Civil Servants (PNS) whose PP aims to create civil servants with moral, professional, and accountable integrity," said Margareth Robin Korwa.
His party also urged the need for further examination by the Inspectorate and the North Sumatra Province Personnel Guidance Officer.
Previously, an ASN member of the North Sumatra Province Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Service with the initials FDSH was suspected of molesting his stepdaughter (10) in Medan, North Sumatra.
The persecution incident allegedly occurred on January 21, 2025. The video of the persecution was widely circulated on social media.
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