JAKARTA - The Indonesian History Dictionary Volume I became a polemic because it did not include the name of the founder of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), Kiai Haji Hasyim Asy'ari but instead contained the names of figures with communist ideals such as DN Aidit and Darsono Notosudirjo. Later, after being protested by many parties, the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) apologized for his negligence.

This apology was conveyed by the Director General (Dirjen) of Culture of the Ministry of Education and Culture Hilmar Farid through an online press conference. He admitted that there was negligence related to the loss of the profile of Kiai Haji Hasyim Asy'ari from the dictionary.

The Ministry of Education and Culture claims that the dictionary that is widely circulating in the community in the form of digital copies is actually still being worked on and has not been further edited.

"In conclusion, yes, this is a complete negligence. The manuscript which was not ready (published, red) was then published on the website," Hilmar said in an online press conference, Tuesday, April 20.

He explained, the Indonesian History Dictionary Volume I was done in 2017. However, until the end of the fiscal year, work has not been completed.

Furthermore, because they had to make a report, the dictionary was then laid out and printed and digital versions were made. For the printed version, Hilmar admitted that there were only a few dozen copies for editing purposes.

Next, in 2019, the Director of History held by Triana Wulandari was asked to provide material to be uploaded on the Rumah Belajar website. At that time, the Indonesian History Dictionary was uploaded.

"I have checked up to the staff working in the field, I really put it in chronological order and the conclusion is that this is really negligent," he said.

Hilmar apologized for this negligence. Currently, he confirms that the Indonesian History Dictionary has been digitally taken down from the Rumah History website while the printed version has been withdrawn.

Hilmar also stated that the Ministry of Education and Culture did not intend to negate the profile of the founder of NU. "Of course there is no intention of eliminating. So if someone mentions eliminating the narrative of a character (Kiai Haji Hasyim Asy'ari), I can confirm that it is not true. Sorry, this does not need to happen," he said.

"We have submitted this book, so it is no longer on the Rumah Belajar website. All modern history books have also been submitted until there is a review," he added.

PBNU protested and asked the perpetrators to be punished

The absence of the name of the founder of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) Kiai Haji Hasyim Asy'ari was once protested by the Chairman of the Ma'arif PBNU Education Institute (LP), Arifin Junaidi. Not only that, he also asked the government to take action against the perpetrators who deliberately caused this polemic.

"LP Ma'arif NU PBNU strongly protested against the abolition and asked to include KHM. Hasyim Asy'ari in the Indonesian History Dictionary. LP Ma'arif NU also asked the government to take tough action against the perpetrators of the abolition," said Arifin in a written statement received by VOI. , Tuesday, April 20.

This action, he continued, must be taken in order to avoid the impression that the removal was intentionally carried out by the government. Moreover, this seems to be a systematic attempt by a group of people to obscure the history and roots of the Indonesian nation.

"The effort of a small group of people to carry out the elimination shows that there are a handful of people who want to image that we are a dwarf nation. Because a great nation is a nation that respects its heroes," said Arifin.

He said the reasons presented by the Ministry of Education and Culture were also illogical by saying that this dictionary manuscript was compiled in 2017. This is because this step is considered an attempt to deny the role of Kiai Haji Hasyim Asy'ari and NU in the history of the movement.

"The abolition can also be interpreted as an effort to eliminate NU from the participation and contribution of NU in the life of the nation and state in the future," he said.

"So, it is illogical to argue that the team of writers forgot or had not included the name KH. Hasyim Asy'ari, whose great service to the nation and state was even though the figure who undermined the Republic of Indonesia entered the dictionary," added Arifin.

Kemendikbud was asked to be careful with the file

This appeal came from the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI). The MUI Da'wah Commission Cholil Nafis reminded the Ministry of Education and Culture to be careful in keeping files or documents so that they do not leak to the public and cause polemics.

"If (still, red) the draft is kept. (Draft, red) do not let it leak to the public. So be careful to save the draft file," MUI Da'wah Commission Cholil Nafis told reporters, Tuesday, April 20.

According to him, the Indonesian History Dictionary which is currently circulating in public does not need to be revised because it is not intended to be published. However, he suggested that in the future the Ministry of Education and Culture be more careful in compiling a collection of historical figures.

"It does not (need, red) be revised, because he said it does not need to be published by the Ministry of Education and Culture. What is being revised is not published, it is just leaking," he said.

"That's why be careful when handling draft data so that it doesn't flare up like that," he concluded.

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