JAKARTA - The 7th President of Indonesia, Joko Widodo or Jokowo, responded to the blocking of the budget for the development of the capital city of Nusantara (IKN). According to him, this matter is more questionable to the current government.

"Ask the head of the authority, ask the government yes," Jokowi told reporters at his residence in Banjarsari, Solo, quoted on Saturday, February 8.

Jokowi did not deny that he was still communicating with the Head of the Archipelago Capital Authority (IKN), Basuki Hadimuljon. However, it does not discuss the progress or budget for IKN's development.

The communication between the two is only limited to asking each other about news like old friends who had collaborated.

"Yes, sometimes just reporting is not a matter of work. 'Healthy, Mr. Bas. What about family?' That's all," he said.

When asked further whether or not there is an occasional discussion about IKN, Jokowi emphasized that it is the government's business. So, asked not to make a fuss about it.

"That's the government's business, don't pull it out, that's the government's business. It has nothing to do with the progress report to the president to the minister," said Jokowi.

It is known, the Minister of Public Works, Dody Hanggodo, said that the realization of the budget for the construction of the capital city of Nusantara (IKN) in 2025 is still blocked so that no new development has been carried out. However, the progress of the construction of the IKN mega project has touched 87 percent.

Dody said that currently the Ministry of Public Works does not have a budget for the implementation of IKN development.

"There seems to be no realization of the IKN budget. Our budget is blocked. The budget is not there, the progress is to buy lunch, Mr. Minister. That's the progress," said Dody after a working meeting with Commission V of the DPR at the Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Thursday, February 6.

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