Coordinating Minister for Community Empowerment (Menko PM), Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin considered it natural for President Prabowo Subianto to signal that he would reshuffle the ministers in the Red and White Cabinet.

According to him, the evaluation process is important to ensure that all of Prabowo's vision and mission is achieved, especially regarding the welfare of the Indonesian people.

"Yes, it is natural that at any time of evaluation it is natural and even a warning to him about the top level that does not carry out Pak Prabowo's mission and vision that will be affected first," said Cak Imin to reporters quoted on Saturday, February 8.

Prabowo, said Cak Imin, is a person who is very committed to the policies of the pre-small people and the use of an efficient State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN). Thus, it is possible that presidential assistants who do not implement it will be punished

"It is clear that Pak Prabowo is a small person, an efficient pro-APBN if there is an echelon one official who does not implement it, it will definitely be replaced," he said.

"Yes, basically, everything is still whatever abuses the budget outside of what is the president's priority to be replaced," continued Cak Imin.

However, Cak Imin said he did not know who Prabowo would remove. It is only emphasized that if the ministers are not in line, they will definitely be replaced

"I don't know yet, it will definitely be replaced. I don't know," he said.

Previously, President Prabowo Subianto warned ministers and heads of government institutions that they would be replaced if they did not work properly.

"The people demand a clean and correct government, who works properly. So, I want to enforce it. The interest is only for the nation, the people, there is no other interest, who do not want to work really for the people, so I will get rid of it," said President Prabowo in response to reporters' questions regarding the Red and White Cabinet reshuffle after the peak of NU's 102nd Harlah commemoration in Jakarta, Wednesday, February 5.

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