KEDIRI - Kediri Resort Police, East Java, handled a traffic accident, namely a car crashing into a motorcycle driven by a mother and toddler on the public road of Gempolan Village, Gurah District, Kediri Regency, East Java.
Head of the Law Enforcement Unit (Gakkum) of the Kediri Police, Iptu Budi Winariyanto, said that the incident began when the driver of the BD 1744 EJ car, Raja (20), a Nganjuk resident, drove from south to north and then swerved to the right.
"At the same time, from the opposite direction there was a motorbike rider riding his son and a collision occurred," he said in Kediri, Antara, Sunday, February 2.
The motorcyclist who was hit by the car was named Sri (25), a resident of Kerkep Village, Gurah District, Kediri Regency. At the time of the incident, he was carrying his child who was still a toddler.
Budi said that after hitting the mother and child, the car then hit a tree. The car driver named Raja was driving with his colleague Jurdalino (22).
The police who received the accident report went directly to the scene and conducted an inspection in the car. Officers found a drinking bottle hard.
"When the search was carried out, we found liquor that the car driver allegedly drank until he was drunk," he said.
His party is currently still investigating the case, including checking the driver of the car whether he was driving drunk or not. However, he confirmed that the driver of the car was conscious and did not suffer serious injuries.
"Earlier, being invited to chat was still connected, but I was still surprised," he said.
Meanwhile, Sri and her child were reported to have suffered minor injuries and had received medical treatment. Sri's vehicle was slightly damaged.
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