PT KAI is still implementing a rotating travel pattern for 30 train trips (KA) on the Semarang-Surabaya route due to the disconnection of the rail line at the crossing between Gubug Station and Karangjati Station in Grobogan Regency, Central Java (Central Java).
Public Relations Manager of PT KAI Daop 4 Semarang Franoto Wibowo said the route transfer policy was valid until February 5, 2025.
"The decoupled path normalization is targeted for completion on February 5," he said in Semarang, Central Java, Antara, Sunday, February 2.
He said the 30 train trips were diverted through the Brumbungan-Gundir-Gambringan and Solo routes, as well as Yogyakarta-Purwokerto-Cirebon.
In addition to diverting 30 train trips, he said again, KAI is also still canceling eight train trips until the rail line in Grobogan returns to normal.
The railway line in the plot between Gubug Station and Karangjati Station has been cut off for 12 days due to flooding in the area.
Franoto said improvement efforts were being carried out, including by building a embankment on the north side of the rail with a height of 5 meters.
"Beel to anticipate if there is an overflow of aftershocks," he said.
In addition, KAI also built a temporary bridge on the rail lines affected by the flood.
Repairing and normalizing the track itself, he said again, is targeted for completion on February 5, 2025.
"PT KAI ensures smoothness and safety of train travel is a priority," he also said.
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