JAKARTA - The Indonesian Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI) suspects that there is involvement of parties who are annexing the sea by buying land from the people.

MAKI Coordinator, Boyamin Saiman said the allegation made the MAKI basis for reporting the alleged corruption case in the sea fence case in Tangerang Regency to the Attorney General's Office (AGO) on Thursday, January 30.

"(The reported ones) are several village heads, without mentioning their names and territories," Boyamin said when confirmed, Sunday, January 30.

In his report, Boyamin admitted that he brought a number of pieces of evidence, ranging from documents to recording the names of the Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) Nusron Wahid as a witness in this alleged corruption case.

Meanwhile, a number of parties ranging from village heads to sub-districts, as well as officials at the district and National Land Agency (BPN) levels of Tangerang Regency were also reported to the AGO.

"The important thing is to include an official report letter on allegations of corruption in the issuance of HGB and HM ownership certificates on the sea land north of Tangerang which was built by a sea fence," he continued.

He also urged that the investigation of the Tangerang sea fence case should not be indiscriminate by sweeping if there are unscrupulous officials and private parties involved.

Boyamin emphasized that MAKI will take action if this case does not develop within one month.

"Those who buy land at low prices, there must be those who finance it, and this must be explored further," he said.

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