TANGERANG - A woman named Novi in South Tangerang (Tangsel) was allegedly killed by her boyfriend, a member of the Indonesian Army (AD), Pratu TS. The victim's relatives said Novi had a wound on the neck.

"We got a report from the village, his neck was slit," said the victim's relative, Hasanah when confirmed, Sunday, February 2.

Hasanah admitted that she was shocked when she found out that Novi had died and her body had rotted.

Before being found dead, Hasanah said the victim always uploaded his intimacy with Pratu TS.

"Even though previously) almost a month of photos of the two of them with the TNI, he also often saw his story," he said.

Previously, the Head of Information for the Jaya Regional Military Command (Kapendam) Colonel Inf Deki R Putra denied that the victim Novi, who was found dead, suffered injuries to his neck.

According to him, no bloodstains were found at the crime scene (TKP) when the victim was found.

"There is no blood, the information is there is no blood," said Deki when confirmed, Friday, January 31

Therefore, to determine the cause of death of the victim, his party is conducting an examination of Pratu TS.

"How do you do that, that's what is currently being investigated," said Deki when confirmed, Friday, January 31.

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