JAKARTA - Relations between communities became the foundation of bilateral cooperation between Indonesia and Thailand, said the Thai Ambassador to Indonesia Prapan Disyat, emphasizing strong ties and a common vision for the future of relations between the two countries.

He said at the launch of the 75th anniversary of Indonesia's diplomatic relations with Thailand, marking an important milestone in diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Ambassador Prapan Disyat emphasized, a strong bond and a common vision for the future of Indonesia-Thailand relations.

"Strong relations between communities are an important foundation for close bilateral cooperation between the two countries, and therefore will be one of the main aspects that will be strengthened by Thailand," said Ambassador Prapan Disyat, launching a statement from the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on January 30.

On this occasion, Ambassador Prapan Disyat conveyed a number of activity plans aimed at strengthening relations between the people of the two countries, including the performance of joint cultural arts, the performance of the music and Thailand-Indonesia Film Festival.

Meanwhile, the Director of Southeast Asia, Directorate General of Asia Pacific and Africa of the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mirza Nurhidayat highlighted the importance of a 75-year partnership between the two countries.

"This milestone indicates not only the passing of time, but also strong bilateral relations, which are built from closeness and a long history, mutual respect, and a common vision for the future," he said.

It is known that Indonesia and Thailand established diplomatic relations on March 7, 1950. Over the past 75 years, the two countries have established strong partnerships that cover various fields, including trade and investment, education and culture, security and defense, as well as exchanges between communities.

The two countries are also committed to further strengthening relations and contributing to regional peace and prosperity.

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