JAKARTA - Heavy rain and overflowing water from the Ciliwung River that passes through the East Jakarta area caused as many as 9 flooded areas on Thursday, January 30, afternoon.

The first puddle occurred on Jalan Haji Maliki, RT 09 and 11 in RW 05 Cawang Village, Kramat Jati District, East Jakarta. In this area, the water level reaches 90 cm. As a result of the flood inundation, as many as 80 people were forced to evacuate due to overflowing water from the Ciliwung river.

A 110 cm high puddle also occurred on Jalan Taman Harapan, RT 02, 04 and 15 in RW 03, Cawang Village, Kramat Jati District, East Jakarta. In this area, there are 1 RW with 120 people affected by flooding due to overflowing Ciliwung River.

Furthermore, inundation on Jalan Mushola Al Hikmah, RT 06/07, Cililitan Village, Kramat Jati District, East Jakarta also occurred due to overflowing water from Ciliwung River. The puddle is as high as 90 cm with 20 people affected by the flood.

"On Jalan Seruni 1, RT 01/06, Cililitan Village, Kramat Jati District, East Jakarta, there was a puddle as high as 30 cm," said Head of the East Jakarta Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Sukendar when confirmed, Thursday, January 30.

The inundation submerged 1 RW with 35 people, the cause of the inundation was also from the overflow of Ciliwung.

Then the flood inundation was also found on Jalan Biduri Bulan RT 06, 12 RW 03, Bidara Cina Village, Jatinegara District, East Jakarta. Inundation as high as 90 cm submerged 1 RW with 390 affected victims.

Meanwhile, on Jalan Tanjung Lengkong, there was a puddle in RT 05/07, Kelurahan. Bidara Cina, Jatinegara District, East Jakarta as high as 110 cm. A total of 500 people were affected.

"For the Kebon Pala II Road area, RT 12, 13 in RW 04, Kampung Melayu Village, Jatinegara District, East Jakarta, as high as 110 cm. There are 82 people affected," he said.

Meanwhile, on Jalan Kebon Pala II, RT 10, 11 RW 05, Kampung Melayu Village, Jatinegara District, East Jakarta experienced flooding with an altitude of 110 cm. In this area, there are 198 people affected by the overflow of the Ciliwung River.

The last area that was flooded was on Jalan Jembatan 1, RT 07/05, Balekambang Village, Kramat Jati District, East Jakarta. The water level is 20 cm with an area affected by 1 RW consisting of 75 people. The reason is because of the Ciliwung River.

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