YOGYAKARTA The attitude of a superior in the workplace can affect the loyalty and motivation of employees. Superiors who are fair will be more respected because they can create a healthy work environment and are free from conflict. Apart from being fair and not favoritism, what attitudes should work superiors have?

Summarized from various sources, the following are several attitudes that work superiors must have so that the work environment can run properly.

Good work superiors must be willing to accept suggestions and input from their subordinates. This open attitude will help create a healthier and collaborative team.

In addition, superiors who are not offended when getting input will make the team feel comfortable andrmovitated to provide the best performance.

A superior must be objective in assessing the performance of his team. There should be no preferential treatment for certain individuals, because this can cause dissatisfaction and conflict in the work environment.

Motivations from a superior can come in various forms, such as appreciation for hard work, giving opportunities to develop, or just moral support. A work boss who is able to motivate his team will create a more productive and harmonious work environment.

Superiors at work must also appreciate every process carried out by his team members, no matter how small the contribution.

If the boss's behavior is not feasible, such as bullying or providing criticism without a solution, the team members will feel discouraged and humble. In addition to eliminating work motivation, this less commendable attitude can also make the work environment unfavorable.

The wrong superiors' behavior not only reduces work productivity, but also affects the mental health of team members.

Superiors at work should show an obedient attitude towards the rules set by the company.

By obeying existing rules, superiors can be good role models for subordinates or team members.

When superiors show integrity in carrying out the rules, workers who are subordinates will be more motivated to do the same. This can reduce conflicts that often arise due to inequality or incompatibility in the application of regulations in the workplace.

Superiors must set a positive example for their team, both in terms of work ethic, discipline, and professionalism. This experience will encourage employees to follow in their footsteps and work better.

A superior must be able to clearly convey instructions and listen to input from his subordinates. Effective communication will help avoid misunderstandings and improve coordination in the team.

That's the information about the attitude that employers must have. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.

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