BULELENG-Buleleng Police, Bali, confirmed the discovery of 22 turtles in Banjar Dinas Kembang Sari, Pemuteran Village, Gerokgak District.
Dozens of protected animals were found alive tied and covered with brown sacks. And it is suspected that the turtles will be smuggled into the island of Bali.
"It is true that the incident occurred," said Head of Public Relations of the Buleleng Police, AKP Gede Darma Diatmika, Friday, January 24.
Of the dozens of turtles, there are 2 endangered scales or turtles classified as cloniide and 20 green turtles or chelonia mydas.
"Peyu is bound by 22 turtles, 2 scales and 20 green turtles," he added.
The 22 turtles were found on Friday (24/1) at around 06.30 WITA, by one of the residents in Pemuteran Village. At that time, the witness saw many new footprints and seen on the edge of the location there were several turtles tied to their feet.
"Seeing the incident, he immediately reported the discovery of the turtle to his theme and reported it to the local hamlet head. So report it to Bhabinkamtibmas to check the whereabouts of the turtle," he explained.
The Buleleng Police immediately checked the crime scene and a police report was made to carry out a legal process and the perpetrators were still being investigated and the case was handled by the Buleleng Police Criminal Investigation Unit.
"For the turtles found, they were entrusted to quarantine locations in additions belonging to the Bali BKSDA in Sumberkima," he said.
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