The General Election Commission of North Maluku Province has denied the argument of the candidate pair for governor and deputy governor number 3 Muhammad Kasuba-Basri Salama in a lawsuit over regional election disputes at the Constitutional Court which states that there is preferential treatment to the candidate for governor number 4 of Sherly Tjoanda.

North Maluku KPU attorney Hendra Kasim at the follow-up trial of case Number 258/PHPU.GUB-XXIII/2025 said the KPU had carried out the election stage by taking into account aspects of everyone's similarity, including in processing the nomination of Sherly Tjoanda as a replacement governor candidate.

"The Respondent (North Maluku KPU) has guaranteed this similarity by taking into account the laws and regulations so that the implementation of the proposal for a replacement candidate by the Respondent is carried out in accordance with the legal norms of the election," said Hendra at the Constitutional Court building, Jakarta, Wednesday, January 22.

Sherly Tjoanda is the wife of the late Benny Laos, a candidate for governor of North Maluku who died in a ship accident, exploded on October 12, 2024.

Sherly Tjoanda, who was also a victim of the incident, was later nominated as a replacement for Benny Laos.

The Kasuba-Basri pair previously argued that the North Maluku KPU privileged Sherly Tjoanda because the health examination of the person concerned was carried out at the Gatot Subroto Army Hospital, Jakarta, while the other candidate pair at Dr. Chasan Boesoirie Hospital, Ternate.

Regarding the argument, Hendra explained the cooperation agreement between the North Maluku KPU and dr. Chasan Boesoirie Ternate for a health check for prospective regional head candidates has expired on September 4, 2024.

"Thus, since September 4, 2024, the legal relationship between the Respondent and RSUD dr. Chasan Boesoirie Ternate has ended. With the end of this legal relationship, there is no more legal obligation to carry out health checks for potential replacement candidates at Dr. Chasan Boesoirie Ternate Hospital," said Hendra.

Meanwhile, Sherly's proposal as a future governor candidate to replace her husband was made on October 17, 2024.

The day before it was submitted, the winning team sent a letter to the North Maluku KPU that Sherly did not allow health checks at Ternate.

"We need to explain that this letter also attaches a certificate from the Gatot Subroto Army Hospital which explains the health condition of the prospective replacement candidate (Sherly) at that time who suffered burns in several degrees," he said.

Following up on the letter, the North Maluku KPU coordinated with the director of RSUD dr. Chasan Boesoirie Ternate to ask her team of doctors to conduct an examination of potential replacement governor candidates in Jakarta.

However, the RSUD dr. Chasan Boesoirie Ternate stated that she could not because based on internal standard operating procedures, the team of doctors at RSUD dr. Chasan Boesoirie Ternate is not allowed to use medical devices in other hospitals.

"So the director of RSUD dr. Chasan Boesoirie Ternate suggested that a medical examination was carried out by a team of doctors at the Gatot Subroto Army Hospital," said Hendra.

The KPU also coordinates with the North Maluku Provincial Health Office. Furthermore, the local Health Office recommended the Gatot Subroto Army Hospital as a health check place for prospective replacement governor candidates on behalf of Sherly Tjoanda.

Based on the recommendation of the health office, the North Maluku KPU coordinated with the Gatot Subroto Army Hospital regarding the willingness to conduct a health check for the prospective replacement candidate. Gatot Subroto Army Hospital also said it was willing.

"That on October 18, 2024, a thorough examination was carried out at the Gatot Subroto Army Hospital, which was supervised directly by the North Maluku Province Bawaslu. That the results of the health examination of prospective replacement candidates on behalf of Sherly Tjoanda were declared capable," said Hendra.

Based on this rebuttal, the North Maluku KPU assessed that the argument for the appeal of the Kasuba-Basri pair was not proven.

Therefore, the North Maluku KPU asked the Court to completely reject Kasuba-Basri's request.

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