PALEMBANG - A member of the Drug Investigation Unit of the Lahat Police of the South Sumatra Police, died and two others were injured while carrying out an operation to arrest drug dealers.
South Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General Andi Rian R Djajadi said the incident took place on Wednesday, January 22, in the early hours of the morning.
"Yes, for this incident, three of our members died and two other members received intensive care at the hospital," he said as quoted by ANTARA.
At that time, three members of the Lahat Police Narcotics Unit were stabbed by a drug dealer in Tanjung Sakti, Lahat, who was the target of the arrest operation.
Meanwhile, a drug dealer who was also the perpetrator of the stabbing in the incident, E and L, were successfully paralyzed and arrested by other team members at the scene.
The South Sumatra Police paid special attention, and handled the incident.
The Lahat Police Narcotics Satres personnel who died in the incident were Bripda Fasas Nahbah. The victim was rushed to the hospital, but the young policeman breathed his last.
Meanwhile, two injured police officers received treatment at the hospital.
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