GORONTALO The Gorontalo City Police Narcotics Investigation Unit arrested a man with the initials RS (35) who was suspected of consuming marijuana. The arrest took place in the second floor of a mosque in Kota Timur District, Gorontalo City.

Head of the Gorontalo City Police Narcotics Unit, AKP Dimas Wicaksono Wijaya, revealed that during the arrest, officers found one roll of marijuana and three pieces of cigarette paper from the hands of the hospital.

"This arrest is based on information from the public who reported that someone was suspected of taking drugs," said Dimas, quoted from ANTARA.

After arresting the hospital, officers searched his house and found an additional package of cigarette paper. During interrogation, the hospital admitted that the marijuana belonged to him, which was purchased through an online buying and selling application.

The hospital and evidence were immediately taken to the Gorontalo City Police Headquarters for further investigation.

AKP Dimas emphasized that the arrest of the hospital was part of the Gorontalo City Police Narcotics Investigation Unit's efforts to eradicate and break the chain of drug trafficking in the area.

"We urge the public to report if they find or know of drug trafficking activities in their respective environments," he added.

This arrest shows the importance of cooperation between the community and the police in fighting narcotics abuse. The police continue to intensify preventive measures to maintain security and order in the Gorontalo City area.

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