The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) investigative team confiscated four properties with a value of Rp. 8.1 billion related to the investigation into alleged corruption in the handling of grant funds for community groups (pokmas) from the East Java Provincial Budget for the 2021 '2022 fiscal year.

"On January 8, 2025, the KPK carried out a series of investigative actions in the form of confiscation of three units of land and buildings located in Surabaya and an apartment unit located in Malang, all of which were worth Rp. 8.1 billion," said KPK spokesman Tessa Mahardhika Sugiarto when confirmed in Jakarta, Sunday.

Tesaa said the confiscation was carried out because it was suspected that the assets were allegedly obtained from the results of the corruption crime above.

The KPK will try its best to develop cases that are being investigated and ask for criminal responsibility for the parties who deserve to be held accountable.

The KPK on Friday, July 12, 2024, announced that it had named 21 suspects in the development of an investigation into alleged corruption in the handling of grant funds for community groups (pokmas) from the East Java Provincial Budget for the 2021-2022 fiscal year.

"Regarding the suspect's name and the unlawful act committed by the suspects, it will be conveyed in due course if the investigation is deemed sufficient," said Tessa.

Of the 21 suspects, four of them were named as suspects for receiving bribes and 17 others as suspects for giving bribes. Of the four suspects who received bribes, he continued, three were state officials, while one other person was staff from state officials.

For 17 suspects who gave bribes, 15 of them were private parties and two others were state administrators.

The spokesman and KPK investigator explained that the determination of the suspect was based on a warrant for the start of the investigation (sprindik) which was issued on July 5, 2024.

"The investigation of this case is the development of the OTT (hand-catching operation) case against the STPS (Oldhat P. Simanjuntak) who is the Deputy Chair of the East Java Provincial DPRD and friends by the KPK in September 2022," said Tessa.

In this case, the panel of judges at the Surabaya Corruption District Court sentenced the inactive Deputy Chairman of the East Java DPRD, Sahat Tua, P. Simanjuntak, to 9 years in prison in the corruption case of the main thought grant (pokir) of the East Java DPRD in the 2021-2022 fiscal year.

The KPK also examined DPR RI Member Anwar Sadar (US) regarding ownership of his assets and also regarding the management of grant funds for community groups (pokmas) from the East Java Provincial Budget 2021-2022.

Anwar Sadad was examined by the KPK in his capacity as Deputy Chair of the East Java Provincial DPRD for the 2019-2024 period. The KPK investigators also investigated the same thing against the Deputy Chairperson of the East Java Provincial DPRD 2019-2024 Achmad Iskandar.

"The witness was investigated regarding the management of grant funds for community groups (Pokmas) from the East Java Provincial Budget for the 2021-2022 fiscal year and their asset ownership," said KPK spokesman Tessa Mahardhika Suguarto when confirmed in Jakarta, Thursday (9/1).

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