The Tasikmalaya Resort Police (Polres) arrested a man because he was reported to have committed immoral acts against a boy in Cikalong District, Tasikmalaya Regency, West Java, which traumatized the victim.
"The perpetrator was immediately taken to the Tasikmalaya Police Station for examination as a suspect," said Head of the Tasikmalaya Police Criminal Investigation Unit AKP Ridwan Budiartitutsir ANTARA, Friday, January 10.
He said the case was revealed after reports from the family of the 14-year-old child victim had been sexually abused by the suspect with the initials US (44).
The victim, said Ridwan, informed his parents about the incident on December 26, 2024, then after receiving a report from the victim's family, the police arrested the perpetrator at his home on January 7, 2025.
"This was revealed starting on Thursday, December 26, 2024, when the victim told her parents because the suspect had molested her," said Ridwan.
He revealed that the suspect, who daily opened a grocery store business, committed immoral acts by wooing the victim, would be given money and cigarettes.
The suspect's actions, he said, had been suspected before, and were strengthened by the statements of the victims' friends until they finally reported them to the Tasikmalaya Police so that the perpetrators were prosecuted.
"Out of suspicion, the victim's mother reported the perpetrator to the Tasikmalaya Police for legal proceedings," he said.
The police conducted examinations of a number of witnesses and also victims, as well as the perpetrators during the examination admitted their actions.
As a result of his actions, said Ridwan, the suspect was charged with Article 82 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection with a maximum imprisonment of 15 years in prison.
"The suspect will then be detained," he said.
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