JAKARTA - Basuki Tjahja Purnama alias Ahok visited the Red and White House of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) today, Thursday, January 9. The former President Commissioner of PT Pertamina (Persero) said that he would be examined as a witness to alleged corruption in the procurement of liquid natural gas (LNG).
Monitoring at the location, Ahok arrived at the anti-corruption commission office at around 11.15 WIB. He was seen wearing a long-sleeved batik shirt.
"(Come to the KPK, ed) for witnesses," Ahok told reporters when he arrived at the KPK's Red and White House, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta.
He mentioned his presence in his capacity as the main commissioner at the state-owned company. Ahok admitted that he had conveyed the alleged corruption related to LNG not only to the KPK but also to the Minister of SOEs while still in office.
Ahok served as President Commissioner of PT Pertamina (Persero) in 2019. He was appointed by the Minister of SOEs Erick Thohir at that time.
"Because we found it at that time, yes. We sent a letter to the Ministry of SOEs at that time," he said.
Meanwhile, KPK spokesman Tessa Mahardhika confirmed the examination of Ahok in the LNG procurement corruption case at PT Pertamina (Persero). He was examined along with seven other witnesses.
"The examination was carried out at the KPK's Red and White Building," he said in a written statement.
The seven witnesses examined were Sulistia as Secretary of the Director of Gas of PT Pertamina in 2012; Chrisna Damayanto who is the Director of Processing for Pertamkna for the period 12 April 2012-November 2014; and Manager of Corporate Strategic PT Pertamina Power (Persero), Ellya Susilawati.
Then Edwin Irwanto Widjaja was also investigated as the Business Development Manager of PT Pertamina for the period 14 November 2013-13 December 2015; Doddy Setiawan as PT Pertamina's VP Treasury for the period August 2022; Nanang Untung who is the Senior Vice President (SVP) of PT Pertamina Gas (Persero) in 2011-June 2012 and Huddie Dewanto who is PT Pertamina's VP Financing for the 2011-2013 period.
Previously reported, the KPK is developing a corruption case in the procurement of LNG at PT Pertamina (Persero) and named two people as suspects. They are Senior Vice President (SPV) Gas and Power Pertamina 2013-2014, Yenni Andayani and Hari Karyulianto who are Directors of Gas Pertamina 2012-2014.
Both of them were Karen's subordinates while serving as President Director (Director) of PT Pertamina (Persero). In addition, they got power from Karen to sign a sale and purchase agreement or sales purchase agreement (SPA) LNG Train 1 and Train 2 from a subsidiary of Cheniere Energy, Inc., Corpus Christie Liquefaction, LCC or CCL.
Meanwhile, Karen Agustiawan has been sentenced to nine years in prison in this case and a fine of Rp. 500 million by the Jakarta Corruption Court. He was declared legally and convincingly guilty of committing a criminal act of corruption.
This decision was later upheld by the Jakarta High Court (PT). The verdict was read out by the panel of judges chaired by Sumpeno, and consisted of judges Nelson Pasaribu and Berlin Damanik, on Friday, August 30.
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