BANDA ACEH - Army Chief of Staff General Maruli Simanjuntak stated that the provision of clean water is the main program of the Indonesian Army which has so far built 3,300 clean water points throughout Indonesia.

"It has reached 3,300 clean water points that have been built by the Indonesian Army, even assistance from the government is only 5 percent, the rest are the work and innovation of the commanders together with TNI soldiers who are creative with their staff," General Maruli said in North Aceh as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, January 8.

This was conveyed by Maruli accompanied by the Commander of the Iskandar Muda Regional Military Command Maj. Gen. Niko Fahrizal when symbolically inaugurating the assistance of drilling wells for the Madinatuddiniyah Darul Huda Islamic Boarding School in Paloh Gadeng Village, Dewantara District, North Aceh Regency.

He explained specifically that the Korem 011 Lilawangsa area under the Commander of the Korem, Infantry Colonel Ali Imran, had also succeeded in building drilling well installations at a number of points for Islamic boarding schools.

"I used to work with Ali Imran together, indeed from the beginning he was creative and now it's getting better, even according to the report of the tool used to drill using a drill to find gas, but in fact it was successful," he said.

In addition to the clean water program for bore wells, the next targets are rain fields which are also part of the Indonesian Army's program.

"Food security programs are President Prabowo's priority program. We have conveyed specifically that rain fields need to be built and irrigated through pumping and this has been approved by the President and will be carried out by the TNI AD," he said.

Based on data, according to Maruli, there are about 9.5 percent of the poor in Indonesia or about 28 million people with poor sanitation and clean water needs so that the need for clean water will continue to be boosted.

Therefore, he pays serious attention to handling sanitation and clean water for the poor.

"The Indonesian Army has taken a role in realizing the need for clean water and sanitation," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Dayah Madinatuddiniyah Darul Huda, Gadeng Tgk Zunuwanis, said that before the drilling well was built by Korem Lilawangsa, the students, which numbered around 2,000 people, used unsuitable yellow water alternately to meet their daily needs.

"Now thank God for the clean water needs at Dayah Madinatuddiniyah Darul Huda have been fulfilled and the water is also very clean and suitable for consumption, thank you for helping realize clean water in Dayah Madinatuddiniyah Darul Huda," he said.

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