The General Election Commission (KPU) of North Kalimantan Province (Kaltara) will determine the candidate pair for Governor and Deputy Governor of Kaltara as a result of the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Head Elections.

The elected Candidate Pair (Paslon) will be determined through an open plenary meeting at the Kaltara KPU building, Sengkawit street, Tanjung Selor, Bulungan on Thursday, January 9.

Chairman of the Technical Division for the Implementation of the Kaltara KPU Election, Chairullizza, said that this determination was made after receiving a letter from the Indonesian KPU number 24/PL.02.7-SD/06/2025 regarding the determination of the candidate pair elected for the 2024 Pilkada on January 6, 2025.

"The determination is carried out in accordance with Article 57 paragraph (1) letter a of PKPU 18/2024, concerning the recapitulation of the results and determination of the election results," said Chairullizza, Wednesday, January 8.

"At the latest three days after the KPU received a letter from the Constitutional Court (MK). Regarding the absence of disputes over election results in the Constitutional Case Registration Book (BRPK)," he continued.

The Kaltara General Election Commission invites a number of parties to attend from candidate pairs, leaders of political parties, Forkopimda, Bawaslu, community leaders and mass organizations as well as media crews.

"The determination of the selected candidate pair (Zainal A Paliwang-Inkong Ala) is a further stage after the Kaltara KPU determines the results of the recapitulation of the 2024 Kaltara Pilgub votes," he explained.

The man who is familiarly called Rully said that after the plenary appointment of the elected candidate pair, the Kaltara KPU would submit a letter proposing the inauguration of the elected candidate pair to the Kaltara DPRD.

"The candidate for the inauguration of the elected candidate pair for the period 2025-2030, was submitted to the North Kalimantan DPRD the day after the stipulation or on January 10, 2025," said Rully.

Candidates for Governor and Deputy Governor of Kaltara number 2, Zainal-Ingkong Ala (ZIAP) won the most votes, namely 194,021 valid votes.

Then, candidate pair number 3, Yansen TP - Suratno (YESS) won 97,244 votes.

The candidate pair number 1 Sulaiman - Adri Paton (Sulton) received 40,288 votes.

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