SEMARANG - Minister of Basic and Secondary Education Abdul Mu'ti said the free nutritious dining program will continue to be refined and expanded in scope.
"I am reviewing the implementation at SMPN 12 Semarang and Alhamdulillah, I have observed that all three classes went smoothly," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, January 6.
According to him, the nutritious lunch program is indeed under the National Nutrition Agency as a "leading sector", but the Ministry of Education and Culture continues to provide support.
"Indeed, the 'leading sector' is the National Nutrition Agency. But because this is a national program for the President's priority program, all of us in the ministry are ready to provide support," said Mu'ti.
Currently, said the Minister of Education and Culture, the implementation of the free nutritious eating program is simultaneously carried out at 190 points spread across 26 provinces.
"Hopefully until the end of January there will be up to 973 (points, ed.) so that this program can continue to be implemented and can run smoothly," said Mu'ti.
Asked about the presence of students who did not get milk in the nutritious food package, he said that in the future it would be perfected.
"The problem is, it doesn't have to be. Some of them are added with milk, but the important thing is four healthy. The milk is perfect, right," he said.
The Minister of Education and Culture explained that there were three teams involved in the implementation of the free nutritious eating program, namely the delivery team, the nutrition supervisory team, and the examination team for the suitability of the contents.
"There are also accountants who examine this program so that it is certain that the program will run according to what the President plans and is carried out by the National Nutrition Agency," he said.
He admitted that currently there are not all schools covered by the implementation of the free nutritious eating program, but in the future it will be expanded.
"(Food, ed.) Every day it is given. So, every day in schools that have been set. Not all schools are now. Later, the reach will be expanded," he said.
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