PALANGKA RAYA - An employee of the Class IIB Penitentiary (Lapas) Sampit, East Kotawaringin Regency (Kotim), Central Kalimantan, named Muhammad Faizal Idris alias MFI has clarified the allegations of fraud against him.
"Today I came to the Kotim Police on a personal initiative to clarify the allegations of fraud against me which were widely reported. I also show evidence that the report is 100 percent purely a form of criminalization," Faizal said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, January 6.
Previously, Faizal was reported to the Kotim Police on charges of fraud against a detainee with the initials J with the mode of helping to manage the cassation and apply for a move to Pontianak Prison.
Feeling that the accusation was not true, Faizal as the reported fraud suspect then took the initiative to go to the Kotim Police to clarify and submit a number of evidences, in the form of screenshots of his conversation with J and J's family via WhatSapp.
He came to the Kotim Police Station accompanied by a woman who claimed to be the wife of J, namely Nur Fitri, who supported Faizal's statement.
According to him, reporting against him is a form of criminalization carried out by the Head of Sampit Prison and the Head of the Correctional Security Unit (KPLP).
This is suspected to be the aftermath of an internal problem that started with a dispute with an inmate with the initials S. In addition, Faizal's efforts to uncover allegations of buying and selling rooms, illegal levies to drug trafficking controlled from within the prison.
Until its peak, he was reported on charges of fraud. In fact, to strengthen the accusation, the Head of Sampit Prison is suspected of deliberately bringing in a lawyer from Jakarta to act as a lawyer from J.
"When it comes to the accusation that it is not true at all, I also saw the release submitted by the lawyer, the contents are all nonsense because it is said that I promised to move S, while I have nothing to do with S," he explained.
Faizal admitted that he was indeed asked for help by J to find a lawyer to take care of an appeal or cassation as well as an application to move from Sampit Prison to Pontianak Prison, because J's entire family is in Pontianak.
He explained that a person with the status of a prisoner is entitled to legal assistance and in a correctional institution, legal assistance is usually provided free of charge, but prisoners are also allowed to seek other paid legal assistance if the person concerned is able.
"So prisoner J asked me for help and asked for his help was not strange. He asked to find a lawyer so he could file an appeal and to file a request for a prison transfer because J did not have his family in Central Kalimantan," he explained.
Faizal, who has an acquaintance with a lawyer, is willing to help J and connect J with his lawyer. Then, J was assisted by his family to send money via transfer to pay the lawyer.
At first Faizal suggested that the money be transferred directly to the lawyer, but J asked that the money be sent to Faizal's account, so that he could participate in monitoring the performance of the lawyer in question.
He continued, recently the appeal decision submitted by J had also been issued from the local District Court and the results were as expected. This means that one stage requested by J has been completed by a lawyer.
However, he was later reported on suspicion of fraud against J, especially with evidence of transfers to him. The report was based on a statement signed by a relative of J with the initials SH, who according to J's wife that SH was intimidated by the prison.
"Maybe the report was so that I went to prison or was fired, because I had videod one of the detainees. So I seemed to reveal secrets related to the practice of drug control in prisons," he explained.
Another thing he wants to convey to the public is that S is a fairly large and well-known drug dealer in Sampit. Not only S, but his wife and three children from S are also languishing in the same prison.
"From there, I think people can assess whether by entering prisons, S can still distribute drugs outside or not," he said.
On the other hand, Nur Fitri confirmed the intervention of Sampit prison officials on the report made by SH. Where SH was asked to sign a power of attorney to report Faizal and if not, J who was in Sampit Prison would be transferred to Nusakambangan Prison
"If there is no physical pressure, only threats will be transferred to Nusakambangan. The goal is for J to contact his family, namely SH to be able to report Faizal to the police," he said.
Nur Fitri also confirmed that the money sent to Faizal's account was to pay for the lawyer and her husband J had nothing to do with the inmates with the initials S, who was only known when he was in Sampit Prison.
She said the report had been reported two months earlier and it is suspected that since then her husband has been intimidated in prisons, although it has not resulted in physical violence.
Furthermore, Nur Fitri plans to apply for protection to the Sampit District Attorney and asks J to be transferred to another cell, because currently J is placed in one cell with the inmates S.
Meanwhile, the Sampit Prison has been examined by the Examining Team from the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of Central Kalimantan on suspicion of illegal levies (extortion) and allegations of the practice of buying and selling detention rooms as conveyed by Faizal.
Head of the Correctional Division of the Central Kalimantan Ministry of Law and Human Rights Tri Saptono Sambudji as the head of the Examining Team said that the inspection would be continued by the Inspectorate General Team (Itjen) of the Ministry of Immigration and Corrections (Imipas).
"The results of the examination have not been submitted, the inspection will be continued by the Itjen Imipas Team from Jakarta," said Saptono.
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