JAKARTA - The ranks of the Sorong Police, the Southwest Papua Police, are still pursuing the perpetrators of the stabbing of three victims with the initials SB (13), SS (18) and D (40) on Jalan F Kalasuat Malanu, Sorong City.

The Head of Operations for the Sorong Police, Kompol Indra Gunawan, explained that the Sorong Police also conducted an in-depth investigation and asked local residents to find out the perpetrators and the motive behind the incident that happened to three victims of the stabbing on Sunday, January 5.

"We are pursuing the perpetrators," he explained as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, January 6.

He explained, at first the perpetrator was walking in the Malanu area while taking an empty bottle and breaking the used drink bottle.

Then, a few minutes later, the perpetrator threw the used drink bottle at D (woman) and hit the victim's thigh.

"Finally, local residents then chased after the perpetrators, but were unable to catch them," said Indra.

Not a few minutes later, said Indra, the perpetrator came to the LayStation playground in the same location with a machete and stabbed two victims. As a result, the two victims, namely SB suffered stab wounds to the head and SS was stabbed in the leg.

"So indeed this perpetrator is only looking for trouble in the Malanu area," he said.

Currently, the victim has been hospitalized for medical treatment.

"Currently we are trying to arrest the perpetrators so that they can be held accountable for their actions," he said.

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