JAKARTA Chairman of the Regional Representative Council (DPD), Sultan B Najamudin, encourages discourse and studies on proposing presidential candidates (candidates) through independent or non-partisan channels in the Indonesian political system.

This idea is considered important to expand people's political rights while improving the quality of democracy.

This statement was made by the Sultan following the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) which removed the presidential nomination threshold (presidential threshold) on Thursday last week.

"We really appreciate the steps taken by the Constitutional Court which slowly opens a wider space for democracy, providing more open political rights for citizens," said Sultan as quoted by ANTARA.

Nevertheless, the Sultan emphasized that he still respects the constitution which currently only regulates presidential candidacy through political parties. He considered that the discourse of independent presidential candidates needed to be started to create political justice and open up opportunities for the birth of quality national leaders.

"Currently, the Constitution only gives political parties the right to nominate a president. However, we must initiate the discourse of independent candidates for a more equitable political justice," he said.

Sultan also highlighted the weak process of regeneration in Indonesian political parties, which according to him has not been optimal in preparing the nation's leadership candidates. "Only a few parties are serious about building regeneration to produce national leaders," he said.

Furthermore, the Sultan said that several major democracies, such as the United States and Russia, allowed the people to nominate the president through independent channels. This, according to him, is in line with the principles of justice and equality of citizen political rights.

"The principle of political justice must not be limited by the presidential threshold or the dominance of certain political institutions," said the Sultan.

Previously, the Constitutional Court decided to abolish Article 222 of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning Elections, which regulates the presidential nomination threshold of 20% of the DPR seats or 25% of national valid votes. This decision opens wider opportunities for various parties to nominate themselves without relying on the grand coalition of political parties.

"Granted the petitioners' petition in its entirety," said Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Suhartoyo in reading the verdict.

With this decision, the discourse on proposing an independent path presidential candidate is increasingly relevant. This step is expected to expand the political participation of the community as well as create a more inclusive and just democracy in Indonesia.

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