JAKARTA Investigators from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) have scheduled an examination of former member of the General Election Commission (KPU) Wahyu Setiawan (WS) today, Thursday, January 2.

Wahyu will be questioned as a witness regarding the alleged bribery case for the determination of members of the DPR for the 2019-2024 period and the obstruction of the investigation that ensnared the Secretary-General of the PDI-P, Hasto Kristiyanto (HK).

"The examination was carried out at the KPK's Red and White Building," said KPK spokesman, Tessa Mahardhika.

However, the KPK has not disclosed in detail the material to be investigated in the examination. Tessa said the results of the examination would only be submitted after the agenda was completed and witnesses were present.

The name Wahyu Setiawan is closely related to this case. In December 2019, the KPK had revealed that Hasto, together with Harun Masiku and other parties, were suspected of bribing Wahyu Setiawan and Agustiani Tio. The bribe was intended so that Harun Masiku could be appointed as a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives for the 2019-2024 period through the interim replacement mechanism (PAW).

Wahyu had previously undergone a legal process on the case. The Supreme Court (MA) sentenced him to seven years in prison. He was found guilty of a criminal act of corruption related to the determination of PAW a member of the DPR for the 2019-2024 period. After serving his sentence, Wahyu has now received parole.

Meanwhile, Hasto Kristiyanto has been named a suspect in this case. He is suspected of playing a major role in seeking Harun Masiku to become a member of the DPR through PAW. In addition, Hasto is also suspected of obstructing efforts to investigate the KPK against Harun Masiku.

With Wahyu Setiawan's investigation, the KPK is expected to further explore the involvement of Hasto Kristiyanto in the bribery case of PAW members of the DPR and the obstruction of the investigation.

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